I didn't mean Black

Today we have two politicians who have been getting a lot of black... er, flack, for some racist blunders.

The first moment was triggered by a tragedy. Bob Holness died today at 83. The TV presenter, well-known as host of the UK Blockbusters game show, received many farewells today, but none were as unfortunately hilarious as Ed Miliband's. Labor Leader Miliband's memorial tweet read:

"Sad to hear that Bob Holness has died. A generation will remember him fondly from Blackbusters."

Yeah, "Blackbusters."

With an A.

The offending tweet was quickly taken down and replaced with the proper spelling, but not before the twitter hashtag #Blackbusters exploded.


Our second offender this week is twice as black- BAD. Twice as bad.

Rick Santorum, US presidential candidate, said this a few days ago about why he dislikes Welfare and Medicaid:
"I don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money."
(You can watch the video here. Statement is 19 seconds or so in.)

That in itself is more cringe-worthy than funny. It gets lol-tastic when Santorum tries to explain himself, by claiming that he didn't say "black people". He really just stumbled over his words and said "blah people."

...Right. That sounds reasonable.